The Art of Maintaining a Dhokra Piece

The Art of Maintaining a Dhokra Piece

Keeping your house or work space spick and span is no less than an art in itself. From observing the house to checking if everything is prim and proper to getting regular repairs and fixtures, it is something that each one of us must invest in. However, keeping it beautiful is supremely easy. We keep saying it and we’ll say it once again - “Beautify your home with a Dhokra product, and bring home a piece of heritage.”

It is, however, a common misconception that once you purchase this art piece, they are difficult to maintain. Which is why we are here! To bust all the myths surrounding the maintenance and cleanliness of your favourite Dhokra products. When dealing with a delicately crafted product, a little care goes a long way. If you own a Dhokra handicraft or want to purchase one in the near future, read on to find the simplest of ways to keep the sheen of these handicrafts, new as ever.

Dealing with the Dust

Urban life is incomplete without particles of dust floating around us 24x7. However much we try, the specs of dust are always afloat, making it important for us to clean our surroundings regularly.

Similarly, to dust your Dhokra home decor, all you need is a soft cotton cloth. Ensure that the cloth you use is fresh and clean. Cotton is a favourable material for dusting because it is gentle on the product and easily available. You can use something as common as a handkerchief to wipe off the dust which makes cleaning quick and convenient.

Every Dhokra statuette and showpiece is created with utmost intricacy. The designs range from crevices to jaali (mesh) work. To get rid of the dust and other small particles sitting on these ridges, it is ideal to use a clean toothbrush. If you find the toothbrush to be too big for your product, you can opt for old but clean paint brushes, which have a pointed tip and are available in varying thicknesses. Thus, everything you need for cleaning your Dhokra accessories is right there at your home.

The Perfect Polish

After undergoing a long process of making, every Dhokra piece is given a final polish to give it an eye-catching lusture. However, over time, if you feel that the shine of your product is fading away, you can polish it at home itself! (Yes, it is that easy).

Whether it is for the small Dhokra pendants or the bigger statues, here are a few simple steps to achieve the shine of an antique again -

  1. Thoroughly clean the product with a soft cotton cloth. Ensure that specs of dust are not settled on your Dhokra artefact.
  1. Take any brass polish, Brasso being one that is commonly used. Shake it gently and pour a sufficient amount on a clean, fresh cloth. The cloth must be completely dry.
  1. Take the cloth with the brass polish and rub the product all over. Be careful while doing so to avoid overcleaning which can adversely affect the bell metal.
  1. Once you notice that the discoloration has receded, revealing the original shine of your artefact, take a fresh cloth and slowly wipe it once again, through and through.

Make sure the product is not cleaned with water or a liquid cleaning agent. In four simple steps, you have now retained the beauty and sheen of your precious products.

Extra Care for Dhokra Jewellery

While the above steps are prevalent for all Dhokra handcrafted products, maintaining jewellery pieces can be a delicate affair. If you feel you cannot go through the process of polishing your jewellery at home, we have some simpler solutions for you!

A simple hack is to use a homemade paste of bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice. The method of application remains the same as for the brass polish. Another simple method is to use a dab of toothpaste! Do not forget to wipe your Dhokra jewellery with a fresh cotton cloth for a final touch. A pro tip for maintaining your Dhokra jewellery is to always wrap it in a gentle cotton or muslin cloth and store them in a covered place.

Too Much Cleaning Spoils the Shine

When the Dhokra artefacts are kept on display, they are continuously exposed to the air and oxygen. Due to this exposure, one would witness a greenish or brownish film called patina. This film occurs on all products and in fact, it embellishes the product. However, you can always get rid of the film by following any of the above ways of cleaning your product.

What one must keep in mind is that regular contact with harsh materials for polish is not good for the bell metal. With frequent polishing and cleaning, the bell metal can corrode, making your unique buy irreparable. Know the value of the platina’s antique touch and clean it only when extremely necessary.

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